Nessie - The Loch Ness Monster

Nessie was first spotted by the Vikings - Celtic and Norse folklore has stories of water horses seen in the lochs. The first written account of a meeting with Nessie seems to be that of Adamnan in 565 A.D. He describes St. Columba's sighting of a very large monster in Loch Ness.

Legend tells of how St. Columba heard about the monster's murder of a man and how he rowed out to the centre of the loch to order the beast to desist from such attacks in the future. Ever since that time, Nessie has never been known to have repeated its misdemeanour.

The monster was also seen last century but the poor man who sighted the beast was so shocked he did not speak much about the incident. Throughout this century so many people have seen Nessie who seem to have no identifiable gain from telling of their sightings that it seems likely that a great unexplained mystery does exist.

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